What Marketers Can Learn From The Sidewalk Shortcut

Garrett Moon
10x Marketing Formula
4 min readDec 4, 2017


There’s too much “copycat” content out there that simply replicates what others have already done.

The sidewalk shortcut is all about understanding the path you’re “supposed” to take — the beaten, worn down, same-old path that everyone else has already followed…

…and then blazing your own trail.

Let me explain this analogy a bit more.

I began my career as a graphic designer. And there was always a graphic we talked about a lot in terms of user experience.

Think of a sidewalk with a perfect 90-degree angle. And right by the sidewalk, you see a dirt path cutting the corner (quite literally).

The lesson goes that the sidewalk is design. This is how the designer intended you to walk. This is how the designer assumed people would walk, right?

The designer always uses these straight, 90-degree angles. But user experience is the actual dirt path.

The dirt path is what people actually do. They want to cut the corner. They don’t want to waste their time going around that 90-degree angle. And so they create the dirt path.

When you apply this analogy to marketing, the designer is every other marketing book, conference, and blog telling you what to do. The dirt path is the actual strategy that will help you cut corners to get results faster.

What if you could take the shortcuts — and create your own dirt paths — to get those results?

The 10x Marketing Formula will help you apply that analogy into your marketing. This is the book I’m writing right now.

This project couldn’t be more timely for the marketing industry. Here’s why…

You’ve been promised a perfectly paved, 90-degree angle with your marketing strategy that will give you results if you just do X, Y, and Z. The problem is… it’s not working very well.

It’s time to learn the shortcuts.

The market is moving too fast. Your competitors are moving too fast. And the reality is everyone that you’re competing against in your business is already using the same tired tactics. Your marketing is the same as your competition. You’re all doing regular content marketing.

To actually succeed, you need to do something more. You have to find a way to differentiate yourself.

The 10x Marketing Formula defines that. The dirt paths are already in you. I want to help you get them out!

If you want that dirt path, if you want the shortcut, this is the book for you. If you want to do it the old way… the path laden with those already taking it… buy any other marketing book out there.

I cover this concept in my book, which I plan to release in early 2018. Here’s an excerpt:

This book’s title tips off the premise: We’re after 10x marketing results. This means the return we expect, and are resolved to achieve, is ten times over what we put in. We aren’t looking for 10 percent year-over-year growth; we’re laser-focused on blowing the roof off last year’s, last month’s, and last week’s numbers.

To do this requires the mindset shift we’ve described. You can’t expect 10x results from copying everyone else. What worked for someone else isn’t a guarantee to work for you. This means drafting a binder full of charts and best guesses and calling it a marketing plan is doomed to fail. It’s too crowded and the world moves too fast for “copycat marketing.” We’ll take a deeper dive into this principle next chapter, but it’s worth describing here.

Imagine a sidewalk neatly laid out in a grid. People are intended to follow the intersecting 90-degree walkways to make their way. This represents the broken mindset we’ve described.

Now, think of this same grid, only instead of an orderly flow of traffic, there are a few people who blaze their own trail. They take off on a dirt path that shortcuts the “planned” course they were supposed to take.

This book is about finding those strategic shortcuts. It’s about short-circuiting the path to jaw-dropping growth. You have to find your own way — and the 10x-Marketing Formula is that path.

Sound interesting? Get on our early access email list for exclusive content and the opportunity to pre-order the book the moment it’s available. You’ll also get access to a special 10x Marketing LinkedIn Group to break through with like-minded content hackers. Plus, you’ll get the first chapter FREE immediately after you subscribe. Do it!

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